Thursday, December 31, 2009


mines food court de sa bao fan nice... i like....
i oso buy some pi pi shit go back bp...
then go buy big apple , sad to say tat day no durian favour... shit...
then we go take train to bus stand...
we take a bus 5599 back to bp, i very tired then sleep ... my sis din slep at all , she drunk green tea ... hahaha
bout 4.30pm my father fetch us...
back home, i wash clothes ...
da lang very nice wor~~~


today i go times square... i use RM 260++ to buy things... i wanna sing a song- keep bleeding keep keep bleeding my duit... walau tis the first time i waste so much money le... my heart ru如刀割... walk til ka tia... night i stay at home after eat at Legend... Hotel 4 dog, very nice wo... fun... i slep at bout 12.00am++...


早上七点半就爬起来,躺到八点酱就去冲凉,结果我找不到毛巾... 只好打电话求救...然后,就去吃早餐。。。云吞面,不好吃... then i and my sis go KLCC... i reali dun like the "train"... troublesome... from Sg Besi > majlis jamek(换铁)>KLCC ... haiz... fel slepy... waste my time....
At KLCC we decide go petronas... bt gan suai de, tat day close...!!!!! Ah mek almost gt boom....
then we go aquarium, the ticket cost a bom!!! RM 28... however, i stil go... nt bad very fun ... i like it...
i gt post photo on my facebook o...
then i treat my sis eat pizza... very full , sampai nak muntah... i like coke...
then we go take the train gain to wait my sis come fetch us...
we oso go green box , sing song haha... funfun... we sing bout 3 hour non-stop@@
tat night i eat zi char~~ nt bad, bt little bit salt lar~~~ i gt tv to watch tat night at the kopi tiam... happy like helll...
go back take bath n chat wif ching n mek til bout 12.00am... tired...

27/12/2009 [First day go KL]

2.30pm... i sit my sis bf kancil go KL... although it is hot bt lebih baik than no car 4 me to sit... the car`s 油表升了两次,结果我们在休息站停了两次。。。 我们还疯狂的在highway开车窗,吹风... 好好玩...晚上去吃板面,nt bad... 那天没做吸血鬼,十一点酱就睡了... 好累... 当天我只花五块买面包给我家的猪吃... 哈哈哈